Sons and Daughters of Motherland
Sons and Daughters of Motherland
Criticise the Mayang Army
Denounce His Rootless Crime
Oppose His Criminal Activity.
Sons of the Soil
Our Nation Demands Unity
Unity of the Whole Nationalities and People
Success Lies in UNITY
We, PLA Stands for UNITY and Victory.
‘Principle should not be sold out to the enemy at any cost”. Some of our brave revolutionary heroes were so courageous and so highly.
spirited that they could not be defeated by the enemy at the battlefield but were easily defeated by the sugar-coated bullet of the enemy. When enemy sheds tear, it is nothing but a crocodile tear. The nature of enemy
is to speak peace in the mouth and to stab in the back.
Dawn Volume l: page 2
PLA always holds a view that the contradiction between the
revolutionaries and the bandit Government can never be solved by any
sort of the peaceful negotiations, such as peace council, peace
agreement, peace accord, peace talk and so on.
Dawn Volume Il: page 2
Delhi regime shed crocodile tears and claim themselves that they
love Peace rather than War. We are surprised enough and put this topic
to the public to seek whether they are really peace-lover or War Monger
Dawn Volume l: page 6
Down With Delhi Gangs!
Down With Reactionaries!
Down With People’s Enemy!
Down With Delhi-Puppet (Running Dogs)!
Down With Reactionary Puppet!
Down With Mayang Regime!
Expose Reactionary Policy!
Criticise Mayang Rule!
Wipe out Counter Revolutionaries!
Eliminate Enemy Agents!
Unmask the Counter Revolutionary Faces &
Expose Hidden Enemies!
We Want Independence!
Long Live People’s Fighters!
Long Live People’s Revolution!
Long Live Revolutionary People’s Front!
Victory to PLA

Ngasi Eramdam lamdam ashida kanglup kharana tokhaina taningba amadi epau epuna thambiramba ngamkhei thugainaba hotnarakpa amadi lamdam ashida thoklyba meshi Mena kayasey India na eikhoibu namphuda lousinkhibadagi thoklakpa ngaktani.
Eramdam Manipur@ Kangleipak asey ning kha tamna adum leijaramba taraga di ngashi thoklyba wathok lanthok mayamsey 100% da 100% wathok lanthok mayam asey thoklamloy.😭 Indiagi makhada lounam touba Democracy na thokhanba ngaktani.
Biren sarkar PLA gi sarkar ni haina sandokliba ashi kayam chumbano?
Paokhum amattasu fangdaba asidi asumbani haina louba tarabra?