Thouburen Irengbam Chaoren
PR No.23003 Date: 2023-02-24
RPF ki Thouburen (President) Sir Ahal, Irengbam Chaoren na manung matam chadana Engkumja 2023 February 10 da tamthiraba laina amana maram oiduna nonggakhibagi mathou-mangam amasung awaba fongdokpagi thouram sing RPF ki IC Headquarters, GHQ, Loisang amasung Lansang singdasu pangthokkhi. Manipur amasung mapal leibaksingda Meetei Laining amadi Buddhist, Christian, Gaura, Islam amasung Taoism Laining da Mapu magi minkhei sak-sonduna Nonggakhrabagi thawai na nongdol gi leikol da engna-chikna pothajanaba ngamjaba khara katchaduna thounijakhi.
Thouburen Sir Ahal na nonggakhiba asida WeSEA amasung lamdam asigi wangmada leiba India gi mathakta ningtam lan thengnariba Yawollup marup singna Awaba fongdokpirakpa amasung Awabada saruk yabibagi damak RPF ki maikeidagi ngamkhei leitana thagatpa fongdokchari. Loinana mapal leibakki eikhoigi achumba ningtam ehoubu sougatpiba marup-mapang singbusu makhoigi Condolence Message sing thabirakpagi damaktasu thagatpa fongdokchari.
Awaba fongdokpa (Condolence Message) khakta nattana Sir Ahal, Irengbam Chaoren bu awangba thakta Fidamnafam Oiba Matik-Mayai Chenba Yawol amasung Meeyamgi Luchingba ama oina singthabirakpa Yawollup singgi fajaraba amasung mamal yamlaba wahei sing asigi damak RPF na amukka hanna thagatpa fongdokchabaga loinana ekai khumnabasu utchari amasung RPF na matam pumbada ningsingduna leigani.
RPF ki Thouburen Sir Ahal na manung matam chadana leikhidaba thoklabasu RPF ki Ningtam Ehoudi ninghannaba toudana mang thaduna changsinkhigani. Manipur gi politician sing thajaningai karisu oide. Hanglai leingakki thousil thajaba yaba thousil natte. India na ngasi changsillakliba “Peace Talks” ki thousil asi yawolloisingbu makhong makhut punsinduna, lenghandana thamnaba leingaklon gi lallong amani. Yawolloisingna achumba ehougidamak kathokpani. Yawolloisingna surrender tounabagi achumba maram leite.
Manipur/Kangleipak ta yamna mathou taribadi Apunbagi Panggal sagatpa haiba asini. “Eikhoi masel hatnabana leibakki kanaba karisu purakningai oide, Eikhoi masel angam tannaba achumba lallong natte, Eikhoi masel yaribamakhei handoknagadabani” haiba Sir Ahal gi paojel asiga loinana “Manipur/Kangleipakki yawollupsing amatta oina punsinba” haiba asida Pandam thamlaga apunbagi saktam sagatminnasi haina RPF na Manipur/Kangleipakki Ningtam Yawollup singda amukka hanna paojenjari.
Thouburen, Sir Ahal Irengbam Chaoren na piramba paojel sing asibu ekaikumnaba utchaba oina Engkumja 2023 February 25, RPF ki mapok kumol ga mari leinana meeyam amasung Party gi cadre singda piba yaifaba paojel asi pijararoi.

WeSEA wangmagi lup amasung marup-mapang singna thabirakpa:
– Deeply shocked and grieved to hear about this sad news. A great loss for the region and the independence struggle. His contributions will be remembered forever. Our deepest sincere condolences to you, all the family members and the organisation. Wishing you lots of love at this difficult time.
– Oh; May God bless his soul in eternal peace & enable you all to overcome this epic loss! He must be a very satisfied man up there, who spent & laid down his life in pursuit of freedom struggle from a tyrant occupation force!
– We’re sorry to hear this news. We express our deep condolences. What could we do for president? … If anything we can do, please tell me. We express our deep condolences again.
– Wish Big Bro RIP, and May the luck always be with U, Deep condolence
– I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m so sorry for your loss. And we need to work harder, and hope his bless us in the fulfilment of our historic mission.
– Thank you for the update, comrade. That is sad news indeed. Our revolutionary thoughts go out to the family and comrades! We will see what the future holds.
– My condolences, to the comrades of the deceased President of the RPF, and to all the freedom-loving people of Manipur.
– Condolences… Hard times. But our comrades that have left us have given us much to be inspired.
Please pass our respects to his family and comrades.
– Condolences to his family and comrades in Manipur. His legacy of service and revolutionary struggle for the people will live on!
– Long live his memory and leadership. Thank you for sharing. … Condolences to the Front and all the struggling people of Manipur for the loss.
– Good morning brother. Everyone associated with Liberation’s struggle is grieved and is displaying emotions on the sad demise. May God Almighty bless the departed soul. Regards
Roben Khuman
Deputy Secretary Publicity, Revolutionary People’s Front