Revolutionary People’s Front does not participate in the Indian colonial election.

Revolutionary People’s Front does not participate in the Indian colonial election.

A puppet leader had to elect to support colonial masters every 5 years, to settle the root of colonialism, The Revolutionary People’s Front and its arms wing People’s Liberation Army had never participated, supported, and even had no way to contribute to the Indian Colonial Election.

Meanwhile, some organizations and even a few individuals have used the name RPF-PLA as if supporting the election secretly in campaigning, those involved in such acts have been corrected also. Warn not to utilize the name RPF-PLA by any organization or any individuals for election campaigning.     

There has never been a story in colonial history in this universe, any country or state that colonized another country or state, where those colonial masters never thought or did to transform or well-being of their colonized peoples. Just to make the root of colonialism settle properly they may bring up many developments before the eyes but all the benefits will go to colonial masters. For example, while the British colonized India and developed many railway tracks, those tracks were not for the development and well-being of India, they were just to extract natural resources of India for England.

Long ago many true nationalist individuals had witnessed, that joining any colonial organization/party thinking that may bring forth goodwill and development to our people and society had nothing but become a jester.  

The truth and exact politics to be done by those countries or states and their people and societies who were colonized in another country should be the politics to free from colonization.  

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