Finding the essential requirement factors and obligatory answerable ideas our leaders start footing the foundation of ideological concepts of the Liberation Movement. Those mighty superpower countries’ systematic mentalities and race for the allies using and deciding the forthcoming destiny of those small communities and countries that suffered had come to learn. And also come to learn that without knowing the realities of political and economic sense will never bring prospered and developed and never take us anywhere by just going with liberating the nation and forwarding the journey of the Liberation Movement. So our leaders had tried all the possible arrangements to make a relation with the above conditions and the Liberation Movement. There comes up a very important concern in our Liberation Movement in that particular juncture, was from whom and who’s backing and what type of support was the main priority that we should be seeking. And our leaders had decided that guarding the concern of what our people’s desire along with democratic concepts and a progressive masses movements that should help to take to the future. With this decision Liberation Movement in Manipur was able to stand and establish itself in every ideological step. 

After that, we had an appropriate time to analyze and study other international revolutionaries and their journey so that we can mend the gap and the knowledge that we were lacking in the ideological journey. Realizing and understanding the path that leads to the cosmogony and the idea that had supported the saying like colonial expansionist is a paper tiger and they can be easily defeated by people’s liberation war. If the objectivism of the struggle may be correct but our is an armed struggle, leading without a correct ideological concept can also be dangerous. So trying to find the perfect ideological and methodical direction and analyze our society precisely can easily be verified who are our friends and foes. Discovering the true nature of cosmogony we can save and defend ourselves many times from defeat that we create. One of the most accountable in the present stage should be the application of Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Zedong’s certain ideological thought in our Liberation Movement as a custom in vogue.

Along with society and these new ideological processes of the Liberation Movement, our party has emerged. Under these ideological processes, Party can bring forwards Motherland and People’s Liberation Movements in a completely different and new direction and able to feel success in facing peoples of the nation and the many important matters of the Liberation Movements. First Party Congress had decided that carrying on with the Party’s responsibilities and the new journey of the Liberation Movement should harmonize within as oneness in these ideological processes. Having learned that every system and direction that had to lead the Liberation Movement should be that of our originality geographical surface, and its fertile soil so scientific socialism become the guiding direction for the Party. 

Taking the opportunity to analyze all those changes during the First and Second Party Congress, Party had decided to transform our Liberation Movement into an afresh ideological process. Within the current occurrence of the Liberation Movement in Manipur, when there comes the requirement for a resemble condition between people and the revolutionary organizations, this is the certain time that Party has this correct and eminence ideological concept to make an agreeable understanding in such situation. What today’s revolutionary organizations have faced as the actual cause of inconvenience might have been unknown to the reality of the struggle and does not have the exact ideological concept, and clear vision to achieve the destination. So to say, those truths in the ideological concept are the origin of the courage of the Liberation Movement.  

It is really difficult to understand the layer that had covered internally and externally of today’s universe. At the movement, it’s not appropriate that one ideological concept can cover and defend the entire situation. Today many countries that had the foundation of socialism could not carry on only with the ideological process of socialism, wants to take their nation to develop westerly people’s government (democracy) and bring forward most advanced economic concepts and methods start laying preparations to shift to bigger developments. Even in the west to safeguard people’s desires, many techniques that had already been used successfully in other countries in the world have applied there also. Politically, economically and socially used ideologically processes that had been used in this world before had been transformed into new ideological concepts due to the changing nature of humankind. People’s government in the Socrates, Plato era, and today’s people’s government had different natures. In America within the people’s government had practice slavery systems, voting rights for women were implemented very recently. Even in China, on top of Marxism, Leninism, Mao Zedong thought a new concept had transformed and brought out the ideas of Deng Xiao Ping. After his ideas, the Communist Party of China had realized the present needs of China where the once communist party should only be for peasants and proletarian had changed and intellectuals and affluent are also can be members.   

What we had learned and needed to transform and develop a society in our desired direction, had to change and implement many systems and sectors. Simply to say have to adapt and use reasonable and suitable tools and techniques. If we could not come across the changes and could not follow the system, what comes up will disappear and we will remain only a part of history. 

What we have been trying to get Independent is for the colonized Motherland and our people who are carrying this colonial load. Our Motherland had a different and distinguished history from others. Other than this, national and social politics also had different systems, cultures, customs, and all the nationalities had many magnificent features also. The purpose and destination of the Liberation Movements are not easy at all. If all these realities could not be imagined with our Party’s ideological process we surely have to face the difficulties connecting ideological process and strategical tasks.     

To execute the revolutionary tasks there should not be any differences between the Party’s desirable process and the process of tasks. A reasonable and clear ideological process put up in every course of time, Party, masses and the revolutionaries can able to keep in an equal footing. Ideologically opportune with time should be the desire of nation and society, should not be inferior and influence the journey of life, when Liberation Movement starts its journey in Manipur, Revolutionary People’s Front (RPF) bring forward these idealistic theories which Marx, Lenin, Mao Zedong thoughts, Scientific socialism that able to associate with few of the very important part of our own indigenous social living systems that Party had been using as ideological norms.  

First of all when our Motherland can become an Independent state then only we will be able to set foot in a developed and forward living system for the nation and society. RPF strongly believes that these two can never be separated. 

Many generations had been trying to bring back an Independent State of Manipur by suppressing the Indian colonial system. This is not established or created by a single person. History that we had been living with for more than two hundred years of our Motherland had created it all. A nation-state that had lived independently should live independently is supported and given rules of the universe. 

There were two World Wars not to occur another Big War and to become a globally peaceful coexistence, agreeing in these many nations decided the need to suppress the colonization for the right to self-determination of a nation and the people, had created many systems for the purpose. When a nation searching for a way to subsist peacefully, unavoidably emerge that what they need to have is political, economic, cultural and customs the society thinks are best that can able to stand in their desired way. We should know what our nation and society’s requirements are, nobody will understand and can’t decide anything also. Any nation and society that had to create its ways to participate in the global developing race can only be possible when the nation is independent. This is a universal truth and every nation had except it. 

Historically it is unfortunate, a nation like Manipur which had its history of a long period, had a sound developed political entity, economically able to sustain, rich in culture and custom been living in a colonized state. Whether Manipur lives independently or not is not only a matter of Manipuris. It becomes an unavoidable global matter to consolidate and should be a part of the global developing process. Living as an independent nation is not just for the cover. Likewise, our demand for Independent is not just pretending. 

As said before, developing a social living system needs Independent nationhood. What Independence do we want, what kind of Independence, can be a question?

To answer these questions, most people come up with the western developed philosophical theory and system will bring up as a priority. Independence – NING-KHA-TAMBA, nobody ever understands and tries to analyze this particular word which has a particular meaning in these combined words in our philosophical thought and in our own Manipuri language itself. 

Yes indeed this particular word itself is the combination of three different words that have their meaning and the topic that’s coming up after combining as one word which has a philosophical thought and meaning but after analyzing the particular topic found that has its true character before and today also can be represented which has related with national politics that people desired to know easily and understand clearly. 

“Ning” has the meaning of one’s own internal opinion, able to draw the desired aspect internally, can be good, can be bad, can be right, can be wrong but it cannot be simple at all. 

“Kha” meaning can be considered in two views. One, something that tangles between right and wrong but this is the level of internal ability that I can make a decision that’s what I think is right. “Kha” another meaning is a door, that I have been thinking about which can be expressed. Humans had to express only through this door whether to speak or by shouting than only recognize internal opinions.

“Tamba” particular meaning of these words can only be obtained by what we analyze in this topic. One, targeting the goal, aiming the target, bringing it to the desired direction that’s it. Another one is that had to decide the capable standard of a thing or aspect. And another one is reaching the level of assuming the aspect that can happen in the future. 

“Ning”, “Kha”, “Tamba”, these particular three words may have their meaning differently but becoming a word by combining these three had its different philosophical phenomena in it. View in brief “Ning” people’s motive and everybody’s own opinion that been hidden internally but should be of true, good, steadfastly and applicable to all as it should become “Kha” and then conclusion be that of “Tamba”. Particularly word itself interpreting the vision of the people that’s what people’s aspect that to be and how it can be related with responsibility and conditions are visible. It is just the recourse to transform the desired of the people’s internal opinions. The real meaning and relating with what possibly there needs to be of the Ningkha Tamba (Independent) is indeed the reality and relation between people and social system and reality of the responsibilities and reasonable aspect of the nation and societies desire is been indicated. Comparatively suitable good results will be there for good deeds, its visible bad ideas and wrongdoings will never be fortunate, it only awaits defeat and losses for the nation and the people. All expectations and points should be reasonably accepted by the nation and society, movement should be accompanied by everybody. This is what RPF has accepted and it is mandatory that we need to have a government of people in our Independent Motherland. This is because in the meaning of Ningkha Tamba (Independent) a core point between Ning and Kha has a relation that has to go along with the nation and the people so we can never be against any matter or responsibilities. Simply to say believing in the point of Ningkha Tamba (Independent) our ideological concept and responsibility systems should never be opposite to people’s consent, should never be anything against people.  

One part of the concept of Independent (Ningkha Tamba) is the relation between me and the nation and society. What I desire should be acceptable to all, should be of no difference between me and everyone. I do have to have a right to also and have my duties to do also. Having difficulties in following the western developing theory of justice and equality if compared with the correct interpretation of Independence (Nikha Tamba) in Manipuri will find the resemblance to accompany together. Understand the requirement of the nation and society and to do this Independent (Ningkha Tamba) can able to bring out a means. 

If we have insisted too much to bring Independent of our Motherland Manipur is of nobody’s property. Becoming a part of the global development that’s had requires as of historical stage, the intention is just what need to have that’s all. Our Motherland has every means and right to live independently. The word “Ningkha Tamba” and it’s meaning that has been given to us by our forefathers from time immemorial had shown it all.  

Independent is everybody’s birthright. We are born free. We need to get what is rightful of ours.

Long Live Revolutionary People’s Front

Victory to People’s Liberation Army.