Press Release | Ref/No/PC-PR63-Dt.11/08/2023
The day “15 August” has been an important day to every mainstream Indian as their Independence Day. The very theme “Nation First, Always First” of the 76th Independence Day of India clearly affirms “Manipur is never a part of India” which has been substantiated by the present ongoing engineered ethnic crisis in which India has taken sides.
Our people have been aware of CorCom’s campaign for the decades-old freedom struggle of Manipur wherein many precious lives have been martyred for the said cause. Is there real freedom in a colonized territory? Manipur (Kangleipak) has existed as an international legal personality – an Asiatic Sovereign Power for more than 2000 years except for the short Burmese skirmishes during 1819-1926 and the British Protectorate during 1891-1947. The then Queen Victoria showed utmost regard for the sovereignty of Manipur as Manipur was not annexed to then British India. Manipur has been the oldest nation in the entire South East Asia that had a written constitution – the Loiyumba Shinyen of the 11th Century under King Loiyumba.
History has the collective struggle of small ethnic groups comprising Thangkhul, Meetei, Mao, Kabui, Anal, Chothe, Maring, and Meetei Pangal among others that built up today’s Manipur. Manipur entered into the first international treaty – Anglo Manipur Friendship Treaty – stamped on 14 September 1762 between Jai Singh, the King of Manipur represented by Haridas Gosain and the British Empire through the British East India Company represented by Mr. Harry Verelst, Chief of Chittagong Factory. The continuity of the sovereign state of Manipur has been clearly mentioned in DGE Hall’s ‘A History of South East Asia, 1955’ and John F. Cady’s ‘South East Asia, 1964’. Despite the bitter Burmese aggression on Manipur, Henry Yule’s Map of Burma in the 18th Century vibrantly safeguarded the boundary of Manipur. The Treaty of Yandaboo, February 24, 1826, concluded between the Burmese and the British recognized the Independence of Manipur with Gambhir Singh as the King.
After the lapse of the British Paramountcy on 14 August 1947, Manipur regained her sovereignty and became a republic with the functioning of its first parliament, the “National Assembly” on 18 October 1948 represented by all sections of the Manipur People. The address of the Manipur King Bodhachandra as the Constitutional Head of the Manipur Parliament noted the area of Manipur at 8650 square miles.
The political status of Manipur declined abruptly with the Indian Annexation of Manipur on 15 October 1949 by which Sovereign Manipur was reduced to just a Chief Commissioner’s Province. From Part C State in 1950, Manipur was crafted into a Union Territory in 1956. Not only did the Indian colonial rule promulgate the notorious AFSPA, 1958 and several other draconian laws in the whole of Manipur, but it also continued to play a divisive policy amongst the several ethnic groups intermittently which now resulted in wanton ethnic clashes. a
What Manipur has witnessed the unabated ethnic cauldron and animosity today is the direct fallout of the colonial oppressive policy of India after the annexation of Manipur in clear violation of the prevalent international laws. The illegal ‘Manipur Merger Agreement, 1949’ has wiped out the sovereign historicity of Manipur which led to the imposition of the ‘15 August celebration’ among the ethnic groups of Manipur. Now, the time has come for all the ethnic groups inhabiting Manipur since time immemorial to stand up as a “Manipur People” to resist this colonial regime and pave the way for the scientific political development of our oppressed people towards exercising their inalienable right to self-determination.
The present ethnic impasse resulted due to India’s use of Hate Games and Hate Crimes as a part of the ‘Proxy War’ of the counter-insurgency operation. All the struggling and oppressed indigenous people of Manipur should now realize the Indian colonial policy of killing two birds with one stone and the impossibility of the restoration of the lost sovereignty of Manipur within the framework of the colonial Constitution of India under the guise of any peace-talk.
A big question arises now and today on the failure to contain the 3-month-old crisis in Manipur on the part of India – the largest democracy and the 4th military power in the world. The Manipur People should now understand that the huge deployment of Indian occupation forces is not the solution but a ploy for the Indian military built up in this fragile region. What exactly India mongers is the engulfment of the Kuki armed groups and the national liberation movements in Manipur and other parts of the WESEA (West South East Asia) Region into a conflict.
As in previous years, the CorCom boycotts the ensuing 15 August India’s Independence Day Celebration in Manipur. There shall be a General Strike from 1:00 am to 6:30 pm of the said day with the exemption of essential services like medical, electricity, water supply, fire service, media and religious observances.
Publicity Committee
Kangla, The 11th of August 2023.
Meiteilon version:
15 August numit asi India machasinggi yamna maru oiba numitni haina loujaba makhoigi ningkha tamkhiba numitni. Handakki 76th suba India gi Independence Day asigi theme di “Nation first; always first”ni hairi. Theme asina mayek sengna utlibasi Manipur (Kangleipak) asi India gi nation manungda yaode haibasini. India gi lam ama oidabagi khudam oina ngasi India na thokthanba masel khatnahanbagi wathok asi thoklibani amasung tongsillibani.
Matam sangna ningtam ihou touduna mareibakkidamakta thawaina pontha pikhibasi ima poknafam masunglanggini haibasi CorCom na leibak meeyamda chahi kharagi mamangdagi paojenjadunata lakchabani. Maramdi loichanba leibakpu nungaiba lam koubra? Iramdam Manipur (Kangleipak) asi awatpa amata leitana ningtamba nation state ama oina chahi 2000 gi mathakta pallakkhiba leibak amani. Ing kumja 1819-1826 faobada chahi taret Awa gi makhada ningtamba mangkhiba amasung 1891 da British na lousinkhiba nattana kanagisu meekha pollaktabani. Awa dagisu ningtamba amuk hanjillakkhi. British ki makhada leikhibadusu Manipur (Kangleipak) gi ngallingeidagi leirakpa political status ikai khumnaba yengduna Queen Victoria na British India da tinsinhankhide. 11 suba chahichada khwaidagi liraba South East Asia gi Constitution (leingak-pathap) –Loiyumba Sinyen Ningthou Loiyumba gi matamda leirabani.
Apikpa kanglup kayana matam kaya changna punsinduna semgatlakkhiba Manipur (Kangleipak) gi apunba khunnai asida Thangkhul, Mao, Kabui, Anal, Chothe, Maring amadi Meetei Pangal- asinachingba kanglup mayam asi pullaga apunba Manipur (Kangleipak) leibak ama semlakpagi wari singbul leiribani.
Anglo Manipur (Kangleipak) Friendship Treaty ing kumja 1762 da Chittagong Chief Verelst amasung ningthou Jai Singh (Bhagyachandra) gi meehut Hari Das Gosain na khutyek pinakhi. British India ga tounaba treaty asina leibak asina mapan-gi leibak amaga treaty pinaba Manipur (Kangleipak) puwarida ahanba thoudokni. Manipur (Kangleipak) gi ningtamba amasung kan-thoubabu DGE Hall na mahakki ‘A History of South East Asia’, 1908 da amasung John F. Cady nasu mahakki ‘South East Asia’, 1964 da ningthina palli. Burma na Manipur (Kangleipak) da landarakkhrabasu, 18 suba chahichada Henry Yule na yeklamba Burma gi map aduna Manipur (Kangleipak) gi ngamkheida asokpa leikhide. February 26, 1826 ta Burma amasung British na tounakhiba Treaty of Yandaboo aduna Burma gi ningthouna Gambhir Singh bu Manipur (Kangleipak) gi ningthou oina sak khangkhi.
Masimakna British loilam loikhrabada-1947-1949 da Manipur (Kangleipak) maning asi tamba leibak oikhrabani. October 18, 1948 da kanglup khudingmakki meeoi yaoba Manipur (Kangleipak) gi ahanba National Assembly da Manipur (Kangleipak) gi Constitutional Head oikhiba ningthou Bodhachandra na Manipur (Kangleipak) gi pak-chaoba asi 8650 square miles ni haiba wafam malemgi meeyamda thamkhi.
India na Manipur (Kangleipak) bu lousinkhraba matungda, Manipur (Kangleipak) gi saktamda hiram khudingda chaona cheitheng piba hourakkhi. Kumja 1950 da Part C da amasung 1956 Union Territory da hanthahankhi, ing kumja 1958 da malem pumbana condemn touraba AFSPA thamjinkhi. Matung tabada Law, Act kaya semduna hourakfam tinnaba machin manao oina houminnarakkhiba chingmee tammee anibu nungsidanaba maru hunkhi. Ngasidi India na hunkhiba kanglup masel nungsinadanabagi maru aduna mapal marep faduna achouba pambi oiraktuna kanglup-kanlup khaidokhanduna atat-akham leitana khatnahalli.
Ngasi Manipur (Kangleipak) na nangliba kanglup masel ungkhatnaba, nungsinadabagi cheitheng asi Manipur (Kangleipak) gi ningtambabu India na namthak touduna lousinkhraba matungda semgatkhiba loilamgi safu adugi maheini. Maram aduna chatnaba yadraba ‘The Merger Agreement, 1949’ na purakpa India gi ningtambagi numit, August 15-asigi mayokta mayek sengna leptuna chingburoi-tamburoi anina ningtamba Manipur (Kangleipak) da punna leiminnarakpa adu hanjilhanba matam youre. Kanglup naiba lan asina eikhoi pumnamakpu amamba lambi amada langsillagani haibasi kanglupki oiba machet-makaigi wakhalda laichuraba khunnaicha khudingna khangba matam oire. Loinana lamdam asida khundaminnariba machin manao oiba furup sing “punna hingminnaba amasung punna chaokhatminnaba” haiba asi nattana atei lambi leite haibasi khangminnasi.
Manipur (Kangleipak) da houjik oiriba wathok asi India na atamnana Hate Game sijinnaduna Hate Crime touhanduna chatthaba counter-insurgency operations gi ‘proxy war’ gi saruk Amani. Linsu sinaba cheisusu tektanaba (killing two birds with one stone) haibadumakni handak thokliba fibham asi. Indian Constitution gi fibannungda ningtambagi waroisin purakpagi oithokpa leite haibasi maningtamba Manipur (Kangleipak) gi liklamda saruk yaminnaduna laklaba yelhoumee furupsingna kaofam thokte.
Malemda khwaidagi chaoba democracy chatpa amadi malemgi military power da mapanggal kanba marisuba leibakni hairiba India na tha ahum hellaba Manipur (Kangleipak) gi irang asi houjik faoba loisinba ngamdriba karigino? Masigi paokhum oina Manipur (Kangleipak) da thajillakliba India gi force mayamsi wathok asi loisinnaba natte, sangdokhannabani haibasi meeyam punna khangminnasi. India na pambadi Kuki Lalhouba ga Manipur amasung WeSEA Region ningtamnaba houriba yaolloi singga thengnahannaba sinba lallong ni.
15 August India gi Independence Day chahi khudinggi CorCom na boycott touduna lak-e. Handaksu CorCom gi boycott adumumak leigani. Boycott asigi saruk ama oina lamdam asigi mafam sinba thungna 15 August ki ayuk pung 1:00 AM dagina numidang wairam pung 6:30 PM faoba total shutdown tougani. Adum oinamak essential service sing, medical, electricity, water supply, fire service, press amasung laining laisol ga mari leinaba thabaksingdi shutdown asidagi komthokkani.
Publicity Committee
The 11th of August 2023.
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