As One Let Us Fight Against Indian Occupation Force – RPF

As One Let Us Fight Against Indian Occupation Force – RPF

Press Release | PR No.24006 Date: 2024-05-27

The persistent ethnic conflict in Manipur since 3rd May 2023 has proven to be the manifestation of the long-drawn-out hidden agenda of the Government of India, that is to say – To subdue the liberation movements in WeSEA, To meddle in internal affairs of Myanmar for India’s benefit, and, To counter Orientalism by India with the influence of Western forces by choosing Manipur deliberately as a battleground of Regional and International Political Game because Manipur is an Oriental nation-state populated by peoples of rich cultural heritage and could not easily be persuaded by India. To achieve this egoistic hidden agenda of India, innocent civilians of Manipur and Myanmar have become sacrificial lambs.

By perusing the crisis events in Manipur since May 3, views of the learned persons and accounts from eyewitnesses, it makes clear that the present ethnic crisis in Manipur is not only the brainchild of India but also an expression of India’s “Damn care” attitude openly. Moreover, contrary to the belief of RPF and its armed wing PLA, which has been consistently desisting the present ethnic conflict has been dragged in by India to blame for all its malicious intent. Such a sinister design to malign and blame others to cover up its culpabilities has rather become a regular character of the Indian state and its governmentality, an inheritance of Indian character.

On the morning of May 7, 2023, Kuki chiefs had called up RPF to inform them what the Assam Rifles had told them. “Yesterday the Assam Rifles had come to our village and informed us that PLA was prepared to attack us as for which chiefs are meeting this morning. Our acquaintance with the PLA has been rather long, and we (the chiefs) know them properly and we do not suspect them to do any harm to us. However, for the sake of reaffirmation, we have called you up to know the actual truth”, narrated the Chiefs to RPF.

To RPF’s utter disbelief, the villagers were informed that RPF had no such intent and the villagers must not believe in what the Assam Rifles had preached. The villagers then requested to clarify written; RPF sent the reply in the form of a text message, which read as below –

India Government, especially the Field Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Indian security forces deliberately creates Present communal tension in Manipur through their Henchmen to sabotage the Unity among the Communities of Manipur who have been living peacefully since time immemorial as brotherhood. India’s agenda is TO DESTROY THE UNITY OF MANIPUR, “Once the Unity is destroyed, the native people of Manipur cannot rule their own native land and to take the advantage of disunity … India rules Manipur totally!”

Dear Sir/Madam, please do not believe the false propaganda of the Indian Army and their Henchmen. RPF and its Army PLA is for all communities of Manipur and still stand for Unity. Let us defend and protect the Unity of Manipur. Expose the Henchmen in our community and denounce their heinous crimes together. Thank you.

A similar spirit has been upheld by a section of Kuki armed groups who are not into any Suspension of Operation (SoO) with the government of India. The said Kuki armed group also opined “we know that the crisis is a handiwork of the Indian government, have been telling people to refrain from indulging into it”. In addition, on May 10, 2023, 90 Meetei labourers were safely handed over to the Sugnu MLA K Ranjit under the aegis and initiative of the Peace Committee’s President. MLA Ranjit had even reportedly extended monetary support to the Kuki Chiefs.

To this spectre of peace and co-existence in the Sungnu area, the Indian agencies became much disgruntled and began to infuse poison through the henchmen to disturb the tranquil relationship. The objection to the machination of the Indian security agencies, particularly the Assam Rifles, appeared crystal clear when the Manipur State Police came into direct confrontation with the central forces.

It was during this juncture, that the government of India started to drag in RPF in the ethnic conflict to defame and blame. The evidence of such machinations became clear when a recent National Intelligence Agency’s (NIA) Special Court charge sheet which initially identified Moirangthem Anand Singh who happened to be a leader of the Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) Noyon Group has been now not only be rechristened as member of PLA but also made every attempt to drag in PLA into the ethnic conflict as an interested party. It is worth recalling what was published at the time of the arresting Mr Anand –

One person identified as Moirangthem Anand Singh who was re-arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on September 22 after granting bail by a NIA court, belongs to Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) …

KCP (Noyon) leader Moirangthem Anand Singh was arrested by NIA sleuths from the Imphal police station on Friday afternoon hours after a Special Court granted bail to him in a separate case …

One of the accused, Moirangthem Anand Singh, was a trained cadre of a proscribed Meitei militant outfit and previously arrested six times in 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2009. After joining the KCP (Noyon) Group in 2010, he was arrested again in 2010 for a case of extortion from a government office and was detained under NSA.

Moirangthem Anand Singh was a member of RPF in 2001 but upon his arrest in 2004 by the 17th Assam Rifles and failed to re-join to the party, which led to his dismissal bearing DISMISSAL ORDER NO. A4-6/01/2007. Dt. 2007-02-01. Since then he remains sacked from the party.

The question that RPF wants to pose is – Instead of pointing fingers to the concerned parties and individuals to the ongoing ethnic strife who are into frequent mudslinging conduct like – the Arambai Tengol (AT), Committee on Tribal Unity (CoTU), Indigenous Tribal Leader’s Forum (ITLF), Kuki Inpi Manipur (KIM), Meitei Leepun, Schedule Tribe Demand Committee of Manipur (STDCM), Kuki MLAs, the Chief Minister of Manipur N Biren Singh, the MP Sanajaoba, the Home Minister Amit Shah, the Indian Prime Minister N Modi, Officials of Indian Army, Indian Intelligence Agencies and their Henchmen, why have tried repeatedly to point fingers at RPF whose sole commitment is towards securing reconciliation the present crisis. Only the right answer to the very question can reveal the sinister design of the Government of India before the eyes of the commoners.

In the 1971 Bangladesh War of Independence (the then East Pakistan), one hundred thousand Mukti Bahini were given military training to face Pakistan while India launched its Operation: JACKPOT. However, the Indian Army disguised as Mukti Bahini by putting on Lungi (a Bengali attire for men) had been fighting against the Pakistan Army.

In a similar role, the 21 Para Regiment in April end 2024 came to the 8th Assam Rifles Camp located at the India-Myanmar and launched a clandestine military operation against the revolutionaries of WeSEA. Kukis from Bangladesh, Manipur and India were took part in this secret strike operation pretending as members of Kuki National Army-Burma (KNA-B) of Myanmar. As of Indian Army’s role play in Operation: JACKPOT of 1971, soldiers from 21 Para Regiment and the Assam Rifles including several serving and retried personal of the Indian army that took part in this clandestine operation disguising as KNA-B.

Not only the Indian army fought against WeSEA’s revolutionaries, they also clandestinely attacked the Myanmar Police and Army. The intruders ran back when the Myanmar forces launched counteroffensive with Helicopter gunship and intruders suffered heavy causalities. The injured were treated at Military Hospital of Leimakhong, IGAR (South) and Phaikhot.

Encounters prior to the counteroffensive of the Myanmar Helicopter, the WeSEA’s revolutionaries experienced a skilful tactical offensive even though it was an “Unconventional Warfare”. It came to the light that the aggressors involved Elite Forces to which our joint-fighters cautiously took on. However, encounters after the counteroffensive from Helicopter were so different that it was like “the proverbial difference between the Sun and Moon”. Now it is a well-known fact in this offensive, the Indian Elite Special Force 21 Para Regiment has taken part. Statements issued by NSCN-IM, eyewitness report published in the news media and the indirect expressions of the Kuki Inpi Manipur’s propaganda has confirmed that India has not only launched clandestine offensives against revolutionaries of WeSEA’s but also launched “Unconventional Warfare” against Myanmar; that means India has launched a Proxy War against Myanmar.

In the midst of that shoot-out, with the machinations of Indian security establishments we have been made to hear things like, “… India’s attack on PLA is make them come to negotiating table…”, “if peace has to brokered in the border areas, make PLA come to peace-talks …”, “we (Indian army) shall continue with this onslaught until and unless they (PLA) do so …”. The antics of the Assam Rifles are so nefarious that they have asked and promised PDF and KNA-B to help in coercing “Manipur’s armed groups surrender so that they will be awarded with the weapons they (Manipur armed groups) would bring along with them”. 

Thus, RPF appeals to all the co-existing communities not be swayed away by the sectarian propaganda of India. We have been living together as a fraternal member of Manipur for such a long period. Let us not be easily swayed away by the antics of the Mayangs who come from more than one-thousand miles away. Only the selfish and non-principled would become a henchman of India. We are the gracious native people of Manipur who has been living together peacefully with a distinctive cultural ethos and heritage. RPF humbly reminds that we should not be the Henchmen of India; we should live together and rule together.

The weapons that we possess today are not to be meant for fratricidal acts. Instead, turn you weapons toward the Mayang India and let us free Manipur from Indian colonialism and let show our unity to the world.

Down With the Indian Regime!

Expose The Henchmen In Our Community And Denounce Their Heinous Crime Together!

Roben khuman

                                                                                                               Deputy Secretary Publicity

Date. 2024-05-27.                                                                              Revolutionary People’s Front.

Official File

One thought on “As One Let Us Fight Against Indian Occupation Force – RPF”

  1. Mangang Salai May 27, 2024

    Kuki or Meitei needs to understand the Indian army or Assam Rifles and GoI intentions of breaking our peace, divided each districts of Manipur then rules over us, Mayang na kei hendoino eikhoi dei

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